
IB: The exhibition process

Identifying globally significant issues: The exhibition is based on a local or global issue or opportunity, from which teachers and students develop central ideas. These issues or opportunities are open to perspectives across the transdisciplinary themes. The issues or opportunities are complex enough to be addressed through a range of subject knowledge and skills. At the beginning of the exhibition process, students and teachers extensively discuss local or global issues and opportunities that have meaning to them and connect to the school or local contexts. These discussions spark ideas, interests and directions for student inquiries. A global issue or opportunity:

• is accessible across subjects

• is accessible across transdisciplinary themes

• has local significance that students can connect to

• is of sufficient scope and significance to warrant a detailed investigation by all students

• is responsive to students’ experiences and abilities with the PYP

supports students of differing abilities, passions, talents, interests and strengths.


Please see below to watch the Zoom webinar on the Y6 PYP Exhibition. 

PYPX 2024 Parent Webinar.mp4
Y6 Exhibition - Parent Meeting 2024 Website

Parent Mentoring

Parent Student - Mentor (Y6 Website).m4v